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Club Coach,  Sponsor or Mentor

Express your interest to help strengthen our Toastmaster Members, Clubs, and District 55 by becoming a Club Coach, Sponsor, or Mentor.


Serving in these positions helps to be a better leader and communicator. It takes you out of your club environment and exposes you to the challenges and rewards that the larger Toastmaster organization can offer you.  It results in a win - win situation for you and the club that you are assisting.



  • Organizes interested people into a club

  • Works with the officers to set up regular Toastmaster meetings

  • Conducts the demo meeting

  • Helps the officers recruit enough paying members to charter

  • Fills out and submits the necessary forms

  • Plans the charter presentation / ceremony

  • Time commitment: from initial contact with the people forming the club to the chartering ceremony

  • Credit: When the club charters



  • Advises a chartered club for the first 6-12 months

  • Attends and assists with club meetings

  • Explains what it takes to be a successful club

  • Shows club members how to find and use resources available from the District and from Toastmasters International

  • Presents Successful Club Series modules

  • Time commitment: six-twelve months

  • Credit: Served a minimum of six months



  • Assists a club that has 12 or fewer members (the club must ask for this assistance)

  • Helps the club build its membership as well as conduct productive club meetings.

  • Assists the club officers with guidance on conducting club business like paying dues, recording educational awards, submitting officer lists

  • May join the club, but only after being appointed a Coach

  • Time commitment: up to 18 months

  • Credit: When the club achieves Distinguished Club status in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).

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