Throughout the years, our district has delivered exceptional training material, with more on the way!
Visit our Training Library to explore a categorized list of these recorded training sessions applicable for both Officers and Members!
Easily filter the list by the category you are interested in learning more about:
Club Meetings: Tips for running club meetings
Contests: Best practices and training related to Toastmasters contests
Leadership: Explore leadership concepts that are useful for all members, not just officers
Member Acquisition: Discover tools, resources, and practices to attract new members
Member Retention: Mentoring/mentor programs and strategies to engage current members
New Member Resources: Introduction and overview materials about Toastmasters
Officer Training: Resources for officers in training
Pathways Training: Videos related to Pathways and Basecamp
Speech Craft: Tips for evaluations, table topics, and technology tools (like PowerPoint & Zoom)
Look out for new videos on Moments of Truth and Contests coming soon!
P.S. Did you know we also have published some recent interviews to YouTube with District 55 current and former leaders? Go watch them NOW!