Planning A Virtual Contest
Within One Week Prior to Event
Contest Chair
Send Contestants
Contact information for Contest Officials
Exchange contact information with all Contestants
Cell Phone for texting/calling
Contact Sergeants at Arms (SAA), ask for their contact information and share it with all SAAs so they can text each-other during the Evaluation Contest. One SAA will go to the Breakout Room with the Evaluation Contestants while they are waiting to speak. The second SAA will remain in the Main Room, and text the SAA in the Contestant Room when it’s time to send the next Contestant to the Main Room.
Cell Phone for texting/calling
Create Slides and be prepared to share them via Zoom during the Contest, or send them to the Zoom Leader:
Contest Agenda, including Contestant Names and role players
Reminders: Turn off video, mute microphone, don’t use the Chat feature while Contestants are speaking
If possible, recruit a Zoom host who can welcome guests and keep the audience informed and entertained during the briefings. (Not the Chair, Chief Judge Toastmaster, or Zoom Leader) - Ensure the Chief Judge is prepared to announce the winners at the end of the Contest.
Chief Judge
Exchange contact information with Judges and all Contest Officials (Timers, Ballot counters) o Name
Cell Phone for texting/calling
Send Judges
Ballots (International Speech & Table Topics)
Tie-Breaking Ballot (International Speech & Table Topics)
Establish protocol for casting ballots during the Contest (Chief Judge’s choice, text, email, survey or online form). One method should be consistently used by all Judges.
Contact Timers
Determine how timing signals will be displayed (Zoom background, cards, shared PowerPoint Deck). Make sure the Timers have what they need (cards, etc.)
Both Timers should be timing, explain protocol to compare timing records (timers can text each-other)
Explain protocol for submitting the timing forms to the Chief Judge (text, email)
Send the Time Record Sheet
Send the Link to 2022-2023 Contest Rulebook
Contact Ballot Counters
Explain protocol for casting ballots
Send Ballot Counter Tally Sheets
Send the Link to 2022-2023 Contest Rulebook
Ensure that the Toastmaster uses the updated script for Virtual Contests these are available at on the Contest Organizer page
Zoom Leader
Contact Contest Chair and Chief Judge from Area or Division Contests for Contestant names and documentation
Create Tech Rehearsal meeting link
Create Contest Zoom meeting link
Send Zoom meeting link to so that it can be posted
Sign into the Zoom account to make sure that the Breakout Room feature is active. Log into the Account Page and choose “Settings” – Choose “In Meeting (Advanced)”, then toggle the Breakout Room to “ON”.
A few days Prior to Event
Contest Chair
Determine how you will draw for speaking order (suggestions: Contest Chair randomly draws numbers on behalf of the contestants, Contest Chair preps paper with A>F on the outside & random numbers inside, and Contestants choose a letter).
Hold Pre-Briefing/Tech Rehearsal for Contestants, include Timers
Ensure Contestant’s device works
Ensure adequate lighting
Find best camera angle, Contestant’s gestures and facial expressions should be visible o Test sound (speaker and microphone)
Test timing signals
Ensure stable Internet
Demonstrate how the Breakout rooms will work
Demonstrate how to “pin” the timer in Zoom (from Gallery View, right-click on the Timer window)
Practice for Evaluation Contestants should include choosing to leave the Breakout Room, without leaving the Meeting altogether
Chief Judge
Remind judges of briefing times
Ensure all contact information is exchanged
Zoom Leader
Host Pre-Briefing/Tech Rehearsal
Day of the Event
Contest Chair
Update Slides and be prepared to share them via Zoom, or send them to the Zoom Leader o Contest Agenda, including Contestant Names and role players
Turn off video, mute microphone, don’t use the Chat feature while Contestants are speaking
Ask Dignitaries to check in with the Contest Chair via private chat
Conduct Contestant briefings, finalizing notes on lighting, camera angle and audio - Give Contestants a head’s up that interviews will follow the conclusion of both International and Evaluation Contests for their Area or Division.
Briefing for Evaluation Contestants should include how to leave the Contestant’s Breakout Room, without leaving the Meeting altogether.
The Contest Chair should allow time for announcements before the Contest ends.
Chief Judge
Conduct standard Judges Briefing
Review protocol for casting ballots
Inform Judges of protocol for protests:
Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader via private chat that there is a protest
Zoom Leader informs Judges via private chat
Zoom Leader moves Judges to Judges’ room
Judges discuss protest
If protest stands after discussion, Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader
Zoom Leader informs Contestant via private chat
Zoom Leader moves Contestant to Judges’ Room
Chief Judge and Judges interview Contestant about the protest
Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader they are done with the interview
Zoom Leader moves Contestant to Main Room
After discussion and decision, Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader Judges are done 12. Zoom Leader moves Chief Judge and Judges to Main Room or individuals return on their own
Be prepared to announce the winners of the Contest.
Sergeant at Arms
Arrive in time for briefings
The SAA who will be in the Breakout Room with Evaluation Contestants should be decided ahead of the Contestant briefing
The Timer who will be displaying timing indicators should be available immediately after the Chief Judge briefing to display the timing indicators to the Contestants.
Zoom Leader
Set up rooms:
Main Room
Contestants’ briefing room, and a room to isolate Evaluation Contestants during the 5 minute prep period.
Judges’ Room for briefings and protests
Ballot Counting Room
Rename Role Players
Contest Chair
Chief Judge
Timer (the one who will be displaying the timing signals)
In case of Protest
Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader via private chat that there is a protest
Zoom Leader informs Judges via private chat
Zoom Leader moves Judges to Judges’ room
Judges discuss protest
If protest stands after discussion, Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader via private chat o Zoom Leader informs Contestant via private chat
Zoom Leader moves Contestant to Judges’ Room
Chief Judge and Judges interview Contestant about the protest
Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader they are done with the interview
Zoom Leader moves Contestant to Main Room
After discussion and decision, Chief Judge informs Zoom Leader via private chat o Zoom Leader moves Chief Judge, and Judges to Main Room or individuals return on their own
If technology fails during the Contest:
And the Chief Judge determines that the Contest can no longer continue (due to a lack of Contestants or Contest officials), the Contest will be reconvened at a later date or time. - And only one Contestant is impacted, the Chief Judge should pause the Contest until the technology issue is resolved. The Contestant should resume their speech at the point at which the technology failed and will be allowed 30 seconds extra overtime before being disqualified.