Pathways - Toastmasters Education Program
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What Is Pathways?
The Pathways learning experience is an interactive and flexible education program like no other. It was created to help you strengthen your communication and leadership skills as you grow toward personal and professional success—all while having fun with others in the process! Take this journey and partake in:
The opportunity to build more than 300 unique skillset competencies
6 specialized learning paths (original 11 paths still available for those in the legacy program)
Dynamic Leadership
Engaging Humor
Motivational Strategies
Presentation Mastery
Persuasive Influence
Visionary Communication
Online content, affording you to learn anytime, anywhere
Real-world, transferable skills
The new and improved Base Camp launched in October 2024 with enhancements designed to provide:
An easier time navigating the system, launching paths, and working through projects
Automatic submissions of level and path completions for recognition in Club Central
The ability to access Pathways on a mobile device
A system and content that are accessible to members who use assistive technology, such as screen readers
The ability to share educational accomplishments directly to social media
Find out more below, or on Toastmasters International. Sign up for Pathways there too.

District 55 Training About Pathways
New District 55 training on Pathways coming soon!
Getting Started With Pathways
Before You Start:
Pathways Navigator (PDF) - all in one guide to getting started in Toastmasters and Pathways
Interactive Pathways Navigator (Online) - interactive version of the Navigator
Picking Your Path:
Paths and Project Catalog (PDF) - compare all paths (including legacy) with one page summaries & project descriptions
Path and Project Matrix (PDF) - compare all the projects per path (including legacy) in a one page detailed table
Path Comparison Chart (PDF) - compare all paths (including legacy) using required projects and time to complete level 5
Navigating The Program:
Basecamp Users Guide (PDF) - a visual step by step guide for using Base Camp (post LMS update)
Legacy - Welcome to Toastmasters Guide (PDF) - a visual step by step guide to getting started in Pathways
Pathways Level Completion Checklist (PDF) - use this checklist to keep you on track as you progress through your path
Legacy - Pathways 101 Training Video - YouTube video great for new members and those who are new to Pathways. Includes Pathways overview, Base Camp navigation, launching projects, providing feedback, and more
Resources For Basecamp Managers
Legacy - Base Camp Manager Tutorial and Guide (PDF) - a guide for the base camp managers
Pathways Progress Tracker for VPEs (XLS) - help track where your members are in the Pathways program
Path To Distinguished Toastmaster

More Information
DTM Process - Shows you the requirements needed to get your DTM in a vertical process chart
DTM Quick Reference Chart (JPG) - an all in one easy reference graphic
Distinguished Toastmaster
Why stop at one path? Journey beyond being Proficient and receive the Distinguished Toastmaster award (DTM). This is the highest individual honor you can achieve in Pathways. Earn your DTM when you fulfill the following requirements:
Complete two learning paths.
Serve as a club officer for two six–month terms or one annual term, participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a District-sponsored Club Officer Training.
Serve a complete one-year term as a District leader.
Serve successfully as a club mentor or coach.
Serve successfully as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program.
Complete the DTM project. (Members are required to create and implement a project of their own design, in which they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained.)