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Officer Training

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Officer Training takes place twice each year; in the summer and again in the winter. Each of  District 55's Division Directors sponsor an event, giving you multiple opportunities to attend. When club officers are well-trained to perform their duties, club members are better served. This makes the member experience more positive, which leads to a quality club experience and increased member retention. Without properly trained leaders at every level, districts and clubs cannot meet members' needs or introduce the benefits of Toastmasters to others. That's why it is of utmost importance for you attend the upcoming Toastmasters Leadership Institute.

​All Toastmasters are encouraged to attend. ​You are welcome to attend any, or all, TLIs.

Why attend?

  • Newly-elected club officers gain training on how to best serve their clubs

  • Attendance shows your commitment to the continued health and strength of your club and to your officer role, that you take it seriously

  • Your preparation helps all club members to have the best experience they can

  • Training leads your club toward recognition as a Distinguished club

Details for Club and Officer Credit

Officer Training Small Print

Officer Education Sessions

In order to receive credit for training, club officers need to attend all required general training sessions plus a 1-hour officer breakout session for your officer role. If you are holding more than one office or representing multiple clubs, you only need to attend one breakout session for one of your officer roles to receive credit for all. The Experienced Officer session (if available) will count toward credit for your officer role(s).

Club DCP Credit
​To receive club credit, at least four club officers must attend the required three hours of training each semester. These TLIs are open to all members and provides a wealth of resources, best practices, Officer role guidance, and Pathways information.

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