Contest Visitors
The District 55 2024 contest types are:
International Speech and Humorous
Toastmasters Speech Contests are events that showcase the talents of both members who compete and members who organize and support the events. You don't need to be a Toastmaster to attend a speech contest; we'd love to welcome you to any of our contests. They're usually held in public spaces, there's no cost, and they're a lot of fun!
To find a contest to attend, check the calendar below. You'll find the organizer's details and any information you need to find the contest in the calendar appointment. We look forward to meeting you!
If you have any questions, email us at
Why Do Toastmasters Have Contests?
Toastmasters Speech Contests are events that showcase the talents of both members who compete and members who organize and support the events. Many wonderful benefits accrue to those that participate:
Contestants are afforded a wonderful opportunity to improve their skills in preparing and delivering a speech in a competitive environment.
Organizers are given an educational opportunity in event planning, project management and project teams.
Members not competing are provided the opportunity to learn by observing speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.
Clubs and club members have the opportunity to showcase their talented speakers to family members and guests.
The audience is provided an interesting educational program, entertainment, and FUN!
Contest Sequence
Contests are held in the following sequence:
Each contest begins with the Club Contest.
Club winners compete at the Area Contest (approximately five competitors).
Area winners go on to the Division Contest (approximately five competitors).
Division winners compete at the District Contest held in conjunction with the District Conference.
The Humorous Speech Contest, the Table Topics Contest, the Tall Tales Contest, and the Evaluation Contest all conclude at the District Level. The International Speech Contest winner for District 55 will compete in a semi-final contest at the International Convention in August. Winners of the semi-final contests will advance to THE International Speech Contest with a NEW speech two days later at the same Convention.