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Toastmasters Contests - For Contestants

​The District 55 2025 contest types are:
​International Speech and Tall Tale

​Some people have a natural competitive spirit and love competing in Toastmasters speech contests. The rest of us become tense at the thought! John Maxwell says, "Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you can be." If you joined Toastmasters to improve your public speaking skills, then competing in a speech contest is exactly what you need to grow those skills!

Area, Division, and District Contests will be held IN-PERSON only. Club contest formats are determined by the club (can be virtual, hybrid, or in-person).

2025 Rule Book

The Rulebook is updated every year.  Please make sure that you have read all the relevant sections, including eligibility and the speech parameters. We want to make sure that your speech qualifies! You will also need to complete a certification of Eligibility and Originality, and your Contestant Profile for every round of the contest. Use the buttons below to download everything you need.

If you have any questions, check the Toastmasters International FAQs or ask your contest officials.

Contest Descriptions


The International Speech contest will consist of a series of timed 5-7-minute speeches that will be judged by a panel of judges.  Contestants must create their own speeches, and each must be substantially original. Twenty-five percent or less of the speech may be devoted to quoting, paraphrasing, or referencing another person’s content. Any quoted, paraphrased, or referenced content must be so identified during the speech presentation.

The Tall Tale contest will consist of a series of timed 3-5 minute speeches that will be judged by a panel of judges. Tall Tales speeches are highly exaggerated, improbable nature and have a theme or plot. Humor and props may be used to support or illustrate the speech.

Download the judge's guide for your contest so that you know what criteria will be used to judge your speech.

Contest Sequence


Contests are held in the following sequence:

  • Each contest begins with the Club Contest

  • Club winners compete at the Area Contest (approximately five competitors)

  • Area winners go on to the Division Contest (approximately five competitors)

  • Division winners compete at the District Contest held in conjunction with the District Conference May 16-18 in San Antonio

The Tall Tale Speech Contest will conclude at District Level 

​The International Speech Contest winner for District 55 will compete in Regional Contest. Winners from the Region will move forward to a semi-final contest at the International Convention in August. Winners of the semi-final contests will advance to THE International Speech Contest with a NEW speech two days later at the same Convention.

Contest Etiquette


  • After the winner is announced, the meeting is immediately adjourned.

  • On a virtual contest, remember to turn off your camera and mute yourself until asked to turn your camera on and unmute, respectively.

Winning Speeches

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